The office assigns a tardy if the student is late to school or any class; tardy students report to the Attendance Office located in the Main Street to receive a Gator Pass.
The consequences for tardies to school and class have changed due to the recent update. All students will still receive a warning for tardies 1-3 but will now receive a lunch detention for tardies 4-8. All students will receive an after school detention for tardies 9-10; Saturday School detention for tardies 11-12; and for any tardy beyond 12, students will receive 1 day of In-School Suspension.
Note: Being tardy to school with a parent note will count towards a detention if the student has exceeded their allotted amount of excuses. A tardy note serves only to notify the school that the parent is aware of the tardy, but it does not excuse the student from detention.
Tardy to Class and School (As of January 16, 2024)
1st – 3rd Offense per semester: Warning
4th – 8th Offense per semester: Lunch Detention
9th – 10th Offense per semester: After School Detention
11th-12th Offense per semester: Saturday School Detention
In-School Suspension for all instances beyond the twelfth offense
Note: Tardies are reset each semester.
New Lunch Detention Procedures (Effective January 16, 2024)
Students who are late to school and/or class will receive a lunch detention slip for tardies 4-8 and other minor consequences as assigned by administration.
Tardy to school and/or class
Students with 4-8 tardies will receive a lunch detention slip and added to the lunch detention spreadsheet by Attendance Clerk and/or Gator Guides who are assisting with attendance.
I.E. If a student receives tardy 4-8 or is assigned a lunch detention by a teacher on a Monday, they will be assigned lunch detention Tuesday.
Minor consequence assigned by administration
Students who receive a lunch detention from administration will be added to the lunch detention spreadsheet by the students’ assigned administrator.
I.E. If a student is assigned lunch detention by an administrator on a Monday, they will be assigned lunch detention Tuesday
Lunch detentions will be held during the students’ assigned lunch time every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Students will report to Coach Bonnette in the gym during their C1/C2 lunch detention, with their ID, and sign the lunch detention roster.
Students will be given 10 minutes to pick-up their lunch and report to their assigned lunch detention in the gym.
If a student who is assigned lunch detention does not report on time or does not report at all, the student will receive a disciplinary consequence of “failure to comply with disciplinary action” and be immediately assigned an after school detention.
A field trip is considered the same as a regular school day. NO student is allowed to self-carry medication with the exception of emergency medications which require an MD signature. All students needing medication, prescription or over-the-counter, daily and as needed, must have a medication form filled out for each on medication and brought to the health room for nurses' review the week before the trip, along with the medication. If it is a prescription medication the doctor has to sign the form. All medication must be in the original container, labeled with the name, only the amount required while gone and not expired. If you have any questions, call Tara or Amy at 821-0727. Our fax number is 839-205-1465.
If you have any questions regarding any of these forms, please contact Amy Kinard ( or Tara Ostrander ( our School Nurses via email or call the Health Room at 803-821-0727. Fax: 839-205-1465.
Medications at School
Over-the-counter medication only requires a parent's signature. All prescription medications require a medical doctor’s signature. ALL orders are only good for one school year and must be renewed each August. Medications are held in the health for the school year. If they are not picked up by the end of school, they will be destroyed.
To allow your student to take medication at school, complete this form Lex1 Medication Orders
Self-Carry Information
Per District Policy, students are only allowed to self-carry life-saving or sustaining medications such as inhalers, Epi-pens or Diabetic supplies. If your student falls into this category, please have the physician fill out an order form and a physician self-carry form. You and your student will need to fill out your portions of the self-carry packet as well. See these forms below. The forms are renewed annually.
PTSO is an organization of parents, teachers, and students who collaborate to enhance and support the educational experiences of students, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve a school’s environment through volunteer and financial support. For more information about our PTSO, contact Terrance Harris at