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Our most basic task is helping students get the most out of their experiences during these four formative years. Being actively engaged in student life, students can find their own niche on campus, connect with students within or beyond our walls, organizations, and academic programs.
News and Events
Explore Lexington One
Principal’s Corner
Our goal at River Bluff High School is to create an environment where students are safe, feel like they belong, and are academically successful. Located in the heart of Lexington, South Carolina, River Bluff High School is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, innovative programs, and a vibrant community spirit. Our state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated staff are committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters both intellectual and personal growth.
One of our flagship initiatives is CREW program, which stands for Creating Relationships and Exploring Within. This program is designed to foster a sense of belonging and support among students, ensuring they are well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the future. CREWs meet regularly, allowing students to connect with peers and mentors in a smaller, more personalized setting. Through CREW students engage in activities that promote social-emotional learning, build strong relationships, and support academic and personal growth.
At River Bluff, we are proud of our diverse student body and the many opportunities available to them, from advanced placement courses to a wide array of extracurricular activities. Our collaborative approach ensures that every student receives the attention and support they need to thrive. Learn more in our Student and Family Handbook located below in our Family Hub. On behalf of the staff at River Bluff High School, we look forward to partnering with you this school year!
Go Gators!